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Just one app to SolveitAll

Use the power of AI to scan your homework with a phone and immediately solve it. From math to essays, the SolveitAll app enhances your studies to help you excel at any task.


Study smarter and earn that A+

Scan equations to instantly solve them

As simple as it sounds — all you need to do is hold your phone and scan. For example, use your camera to capture the math equation and SolveitAll will provide an accurate solution in just a sec. Isn’t it M-AI-gic?

Tackle writing tasks with ease

Perfect your grammar, catch errors and typos, but don’t stop there. If you’re stuck on your academic essays SolveitAll can easily generate you one, or even quickly summarize research pieces for you too. 

Ace any test or exam

That’s why we’ve named our app SolveitAll. Simply ask the AI chat for help with virtually any subject and get your results immediately. We’re here to empower you to confidently excel in all your academic endeavors. 

Try our one-stop academic shop

Algebra, geometry, logarithms, trigonometry, functions, graphing, and a bunch of other long words to help you deal with the big yet fascinating world of math.

Students who need help with their homework but don’t have a personal tutor can get support. Teachers and professors, who struggle with new, creative ideas for their tests can get some inspiration. 

Writing, proofreading, spell-checking, and the rest of the services students often pay extra for. SolveitAll can help you with any kind of text faster than a real human — but still with an eagle eye and flawless attention to detail.

Homework, exams, research, scientific articles, bachelor or master thesis. The list is long — if you need someone to explain the m × n matrix after classes are over, SolveitAll is happy to do it.

Schoolcollege, academy, university, wherever you’re studying at. SolveitAll is here to assist you on every step of your studying journey (we can’t hang out with your study buddies though — you’ll need to do this yourself).

Study hard, but not too hard

Download SolveitAll now and see how much easier your classes and homework become 

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